土木計画学研究委員会 平成21年度第3回国際セミナーのご案内 (共催:アジア交通学会(EASTS-Japan)セミナー) IP-ML各位 国連アジア太平洋経済社会委員会(UNESCAP)のOfficerである Mr. Madan B. Regmiをお招きし,本年度第3回の国際セミナーを開催致します. 皆様のご参加を心よりお待ちしております.留学生の参加も歓迎いたします. *講演は英語にて行います. 講師: Mr. Madan B. Regmi (国連アジア太平洋経済社会委員会:UNESCAP) 題目: アジアの大規模交通プロジェクトの現状と今後の展望 Development and Challenges of International Transport Projects in Asia 日時: 2009年7月14日(火) 18:00〜19:30 場所:東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス 石川台地区4号館地下 http://www.titech.ac.jp/about/campus/o_map.html 司会:花岡伸也 (東京工業大学 准教授) 参加費:無料 問い合わせ:花岡伸也 東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 国際開発工学専攻 TEL/FAX 03-5734-3468 hanaoka@ide.titech.ac.jp 発表概要(Abstract): Development and Challenges of International Transport Projects in Asia Growing trade within Asia as well as with other regions demands efficient international transport in the region. The access to sea ports is even more important for 12 Asian landlocked countries. United Nations ESCAP, Asian governments and development partners are collaborating together to develop international highway, railway and intermodal transport networks. Different level of development in Asia provides challenges as well as opportunities for international transport. The challenges are harmonizing standards, improving and upgrading transport infrastructure, mobilization of funds, facilitation of cross border transport, improving road safety and ensuring sustainable maintenance of transport infrastructure. Regional Intergovernmental Agreements on Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway are strengthening regional cooperation among member countries for transport development. Currently there is growing concern on impacts of climate change on transport and global efforts are needed to plan and develop sustainable transport infrastructure and mitigate carbon emission from transport.